Does a school counselor assign grades after lessons or teach academic subjects?

NO.  A school counselor is not in charge of grading, but she is here to help students who may be in need of study skills or organizational skills.

Does a School Counselor only work with special education, regular education students, or "problem" students?

NO.  School counselors work with ALL students to encourage a safe school climate of trust and respect.

Does a school counselor meet individually with students to do long-term mental health counseling/therapy?

NO.  School counselors meet individually with students to do brief, solution-focused counseling.  This type of counseling is short-term and designed to have the student functioning in the classroom with minimal instructional time lost.

Do school counselors facilitate small groups?

YES.  But a school counselor DOES NOT provide therapy on a small group or individual basis.  If therapy is needed, the school counselor can refer you to community resources, if needed. 

Do school counselors collaborate with only one person?

NO.  School counselors collaborate with parents/guardians, teachers, support staff, and administration to help make decisions for the benefit of the students.

Does a school counselor help students who are struggling to make positive behavior choices?

YES.  But she will not handle the discipline or assign consequences for poor behavior choices (the assistant principal is in charge of that).

What is the counselor's role when working with teachers or parents?

School counselors do not tell teachers how to teach in their classrooms or tell parents how to parent at home.  School counselors DO provide education and information about students' social-emotional needs.

Do school counselors share information about students and their families to appease the curiosity of others?

NO.  School counselors maintain the confidentiality of students and their families unless there is a need to know or a safety concern.  I always tell my students that what you say in my office stays in my office UNLESS someone is hurting you, you are hurting someone else, or you are wanting to hurt yourself.  And even then, I will only involve the necessary people.  If I suspect abuse, I will report my suspicions to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services as soon as possible.  If there is an extreme safety concern, I will also reach out to the police.